Hashtag todo is persistent
I created a “normal” task titled something like “Zoster vaccine #2” and gave it a due date. Now, whenever I click on “Todo”, “#2” shows up in green at the bottom. I’ve even completed this task but #2 remains. I can understand that this might be some type of hashtag, but when searching help for it, nothing is found. Is there any way to remove this “errant” to do? Thanks
Posted: November 3, 2019
1 answer
Sorry for delay with the reply! Missed the original notification, and thus did not reply in time.
You are absolutely right about the hashtag. The app fetches this information from to-do item content (name) and creates hashtags accordingly. #2 in this case.
In the current version, there is no option to manually manage the list of available hashtags as it is fully automated based on the list of existing to-do items. The only way would be to permanently delete all to-dos linked with the hashtag (swipe over a to-do from right to left) and then to re-sign in to your account in the app Settings > Account.
There is no doubt that we just need to add a new interface in the app to make manual hashtag management possible. It would be the ultimate way to get the hashtag issue sorted. Just +1'd this idea on the feature wish list based on your request. It is very likely that we will be adding such a feature in one of future app updates, though I cannot provide any ETA for this at the moment.