Task icon not changing
I’m trying to change the icon on a task to the red hot flame. I’ve never had a problem doing this but it is happening in one of my tasks. I click on the task and go to it, click on flame. It changes it there (in details of task) but when I click on the back arrow to go back to scheduled tasks it does not reflect the change. I have screenshots if that will help. Thanks
Posted: February 1, 2020
1 answer
Yes, please, attach a screenshot of the issue either in the comments to this task or privately to hello@pocketlists.com.
There are currently no known bugs related to the priority setting. Most likely, there is some kind of conflict with the Calendar/Reminders import which resets the manually set priority during the next data import iteration.
well I’m not sure when it happened but later when I opened the app it was changed. Weird though how that happened. Thanks for your help.