Pocket ListsQuestions



How can I be alerted when someone updated a list ?



Posted: June 1, 2020

1 answer

  • vofka staff June 3, 2020 07:25

    In Pocket Lists, notifications on all shared to-do list updates are enabled by default. You should get a push notification on every change other users perform within a shared to-do list.

    The only thing to mention is that notifications are muted on your device when you are online in the Pocket Lists app. This ensures a smoother non-disruptive experience of collaborating on same list in real time. An online status automatically drops when you quit the app or when there were no actions and sync updates for 5 minutes.

    If notifications won't work on your device, please make sure they are allowed for the Pocket Lists app in the core iOS Settings app > Notifications.

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