Pocket ListsQuestions

Create In-List Headings on MacOS app?

Like the title says - Help says to unpinch to create headings, but I can't seem to accomplish this on Mac App.

Am I missing something?

Thanks for any help.

PS - Very nice app/design.  I hope you continue to develop it!

Posted: July 13, 2020

1 answer

  • vofka staff July 14, 2020 01:33

    Sorry for the missing doc!

    On a Mac, Alt + click between neighbor to-do items to create a heading (a new section title).

    We'll do our best to improve this particular UI solution and to make it more obvious in future app updates.

    • Terence McDonnell Terence McDonnell July 14, 2020 14:19

      Thank you!

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