cuando sincronizo mi calendario de Gmail no se sincronizan todos los eventos que tengo en él, solo algunos pocos.
Alejandro Azcorra
Posted: October 20, 2020
vofkastaffOctober 22, 2020 11:03
Please make sure all calendars are enabled for import in the app's Settings > Import > Calendar screen.
In the a particular calendar is enabled, but some of its events are not imported, please drop us a private message to A couple of screenshots of what you see in the app and your Calendar app would be appreciated so we can better understand the context. Thanks!
Please make sure all calendars are enabled for import in the app's Settings > Import > Calendar screen.
In the a particular calendar is enabled, but some of its events are not imported, please drop us a private message to A couple of screenshots of what you see in the app and your Calendar app would be appreciated so we can better understand the context. Thanks!