Pocket ListsBug Reports

Error al sincronizar eventos.


cuando sincronizo mi calendario de Gmail no se sincronizan todos los eventos que tengo en él, solo algunos pocos.

Posted: October 20, 2020


  • vofka vofka staff October 22, 2020 11:03

    Please make sure all calendars are enabled for import in the app's Settings > Import > Calendar screen.

    In the a particular calendar is enabled, but some of its events are not imported, please drop us a private message to hello@pocketlists.com. A couple of screenshots of what you see in the app and your Calendar app would be appreciated so we can better understand the context. Thanks!

  • Alejandro Azcorra Alejandro Azcorra October 22, 2020 23:15
    Comparto screenshots de tres apps. Calendario, Tick Tick y Pocket lists. Calendario y Tick tick me sincronizan todos mis eventos de Gmail. Pocket lists no sincroniza todos.

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