Not Work under iOS 13 Ventura Mac app - black Screen...
Markus Goldammer
Posted: October 29, 2022
Mark FosterNovember 5, 2022 18:20
Same problem. Blank screen on Ventura. Between this problem and the IOS 16 problem I posted a bug report on just a few days ago, this appears to be an app this company doesn't plan to support any longer. It took them several weeks to resolve (with no feedback from the vendor) another IOS problem just a few weeks ago. Time to look again.
Same problem. Blank screen on Ventura. Between this problem and the IOS 16 problem I posted a bug report on just a few days ago, this appears to be an app this company doesn't plan to support any longer. It took them several weeks to resolve (with no feedback from the vendor) another IOS problem just a few weeks ago. Time to look again.
Sorry for the trouble. The latest app update (version 2.11.4) fixes this issue!